About me
«Day after day, nothing seems to change,
but you wake up one day
and everything is different.»
That's what happened to me one day as an adolescent. I had an NDE, a Near Death Experience and I experienced the following:
For a brief moment, I was able to taste that feeling of unconditional love, fullness, harmony and light that welcomes and envelops you and describes the beyond. An absolute state of well-being that you want to hold on to forever.
But this was not life's plan for me. I came out of this experience changed. A new sensitivity and unknown abilities manifested themselves. The development of a strong intuition and a sustained clairaudience grew within me every day.
It is only in adulthood that I dared and learned to let this gift flow freely and to use it to benefit at first my family and friends, then to widen the circle and to be of service to others today.
I was allowed to make the link between two worlds, the earthly world and the spiritual world...
It is with humility and respect that I mediate between these two worlds, with my feet firmly on the ground.
For a brief moment, I was able to taste that feeling of unconditional love, fullness, harmony and light that welcomes and envelops you and describes the beyond. An absolute state of well-being that you want to hold on to forever.
But this was not life's plan for me. I came out of this experience changed. A new sensitivity and unknown abilities manifested themselves. The development of a strong intuition and a sustained clairaudience grew within me every day.
It is only in adulthood that I dared and learned to let this gift flow freely and to use it to benefit at first my family and friends, then to widen the circle and to be of service to others today.
I was allowed to make the link between two worlds, the earthly world and the spiritual world...
It is with humility and respect that I mediate between these two worlds, with my feet firmly on the ground.
My training path
Ongoing trance training with Andrew Manship, international medium and teacher at Arthur Findlay College in Stansted.
2021 - 22
Continuing education with Bill Thomson, international medium and teacher at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted. England.
Continuing education with John Johnson, international medium and teacher at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England.
Training "healing in trance with extraction" with Denise, Kikou Gilliand, medium, healer and author at the Ecole de l'Infini in Lausanne.
Training in «trance healing and trance speaking» with Bill Thomson and other training mediums at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England.
Training "healing messages" with Denise, Kikou Gilliand, medium, healer and author at the Ecole de l'Infini in Lausanne.
Training "energy healing and therapeutic touch" with Denise, Kikou Gilliand, medium, healer and author at the Ecole de l'Infini in Lausanne.
Training "self-healing" with Denise Kikou Gilliand, medium healer and author at the Ecole de l'Infini in Lausanne.
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